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Wynk Music
You My Everything

You My Everything

Halcyon Days Deluxe
03:29Polydor Records

Lyrics of You My Everything

Could have given me something You my everything You left me kneeling I was one of those people You, my everything For what it's worth For what it's worth For what it's worth You were my backbone when My body ached with wearyness You were my hometown when My heart was filled with loneliness Just as the dark was rising I heard you close the door again Just as the light turns off I know who I dream of Could have given me something You my everything You left me kneeling I was one of those people You, my everything You, my everything You, my everything You are my only hope The truth that dealt the consequence I know you don't feel the same You're sensible but it doesn't make sense I know I'm gonna weep my heart out You know I'm gonna try much harder But it isn't the shit in my head Pulling me under this time Could have given me something You my everything You left me kneeling I was one of those people You, my everything You, my everything You, my everything (You, my everything You, my everything You, my everything) Could have given me something You my everything You left me kneeling I was one of those people You, my everything You, my everything You, my everything

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