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Why This Kolaveri Di? The Soup of Love

Why This Kolaveri Di? The Soup of Love

04:19Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd.

Lyrics of Why This Kolaveri Di? The Soup of Love

Yo Boys I Am Sing Song Soup Song… Flop Song … Why This Kolaveri Kolaveri Kolaveri Di.. Why This Kolaveri Kolaveri Kolaveri Di.. Rhythm Correct Why This Kolaveri Kolaveri Kolaveri Di.. Maintain Please Why This Kolaveri.. Aa Di. Aa.. Distance La Moonu Moonu Moonu Colour-U White. White-U Background Night Night-U Night-U Coloru Black-U Haan.. Why This Kolaveri Kolaveri Kolaveri Di Why This Kolaveri Kolaveri Kolaveri Di White Skin-U Girl-U Girl-U Girl-U Heart-U Black-U Eyes-U Eyes-U Meet-U Meet-U My Future Dark Haan..Why This Kolaveri Kolaveri Kolaveri Di Why This Kolaveri Kolaveri Kolaveri Di Maama, Notes Edhuthuko, Appdiye Kaiyla Snacks Edhuthuko, Pa Pa Pa Ppaan, Pa Pa Pa Ppaan, Pa Pa Pa Ppaan Pa Pa Ppan Sariya Vaasi Hunhhahaha.. Super Maama Ready.. Ready.. One..E.. Two.O.. Three.. Four. Whah, Wat A Change Over Mama Ok Mama, Now Tune Change-U Uun..Aa.. Kaila Glass-U -Only English-A Hand-U La Glass-U Glass La Scotch-U Eyes-U Full-Aa Tear-U Empty Life-U Girl-U Come-U Life-U Reverse Gear-U Aa..Lovv-U Lovv-U Oh My Lovv-U You Showed Me Bouv-U Cow-U Cow-U, Holi Cow-U, I Want U Hear Now-U Godu I M Dying Now-U She Is Happy How-U This-U Song For Soup Boys-U We Dont Have Choice-U..E… Why This Kolaveri Kolaveri Kolaveri Di (Aahaan.. Aa…) Why This Kolaveri Kolaveri Kolaveri Di (Hun Tan Ha Meyyah) Han Why This Kolaveri Kolaveri Kolaveri Di Why This Kolaveri Kolaveri Kolaveri Di.

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