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Why Should I Cry For You

Why Should I Cry For You

The Living Sea
06:55Universal Music India Pvt Ltd

Lyrics of Why Should I Cry For You

Under the dog star sail Over the reefs of moonshine Under the skies of fall North, north west, the stones of Faroe Under the Arctic fire Over the seas of silence Hauling on frozen ropes For all my days remaining But would north be true? All colors bleed to red Asleep on the ocean's bed Drifting on empty seas For all my days remaining But would north be true? Why should I? Why should I cry for you? Dark angels follow me Over a godless sea Mountains of endless falling, For all my days remaining, What would be true? Sometimes I see your face, The stars seem to lose their place Why must I think of you? Why must I? Why should I? Why should I cry for you? Why would you want me to? And what would it mean to say, That, 'I loved you in my fashion'? What would be true? Why should I? Why should I cry for you?


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