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Wynk Music
Why Georgia

Why Georgia

Room For Squares

Lyrics of Why Georgia

I am driving up 85 in the kind of morning That lasts all afternoon, I'm just stuck inside the gloom Four more exits to my apartment But I am tempted to keep the car in drive and leave it all behind 'Cause I wonder sometimes about the outcome of a still verdict less life Am I living it right, am I living it right? Am I living it right Why, why Georgia, why? I rent a room and I fill the spaces with wood in places To make it feel like home but all I feel's alone It might be a quarter life crisis, just a stirrin' in my soul Either way I wonder sometimes about the outcome of a still verdict less life Am I living it right, am I living it right? Am I living it right? Why, why Georgia, why? So what, so I've got a smile on But it's hiding the quiet superstitions in my head Don't believe me, don't believe me when I say I've got it down Everybody's just a stranger but that's the danger in going my own way I guess it's a price I have to pay, still everything happens for a reason Is no reason not to ask myself if I'm living it right Am I living it right, am I living it right? Why tell me, why Why, why Georgia, why?

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