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Wynk Music
Why Can't We (Album Version)

Why Can't We (Album Version)

Slow Dancing With The Moon
03:48Columbia Nashville

Lyrics of Why Can't We (Album Version)

Look how the wind carries the seed See how the soil supplies what it needs The rain falls, the sun shines and a flower breaks free And it all works together, why can't we And I have seen children at play in the park Skin shades of ivory, red, yellow and dark Well, my eyes saw colors their little hearts could not see They were playing together, why can't we Why can't we, why can't we I can love you and you can love me Why can't we, why can't we Set our foolish pride free, just be and let be Why can't we I had a dream about a lion and a lamb They were playing together and there was peace in the land And swords became plowshares 'cause there were no enemies And I woke up and wondered, God why can't we Why can't we, why can't we I can love you and you can love me Why can't we, why can't we Set our foolish pride free, just be and let be Why can't we Set our foolish pride free, just be and let be Why can't we, m-m-m-m Why can't we

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