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What's Love (feat. Akon)

What's Love (feat. Akon)

03:07VP Records

Lyrics of What's Love (feat. Akon)

Akon and Shaggy, ooh yeah Love ain't got nothin' to do with it Come on now Me waan fi leave you long time Nuff man a search for your sign She say she love me till the end of time But that a not really have pon me mind Me waan fi leave you long time Yuh know enuff a man search fi your sign She say she love me till the end of time But that a not really I have upon me mind What's love gotta do with it Gotta do with it, gotta do with it' What's love gotta do with it Gotta do with it, gotta do with it' What's love' That's it, can't take no more I'm leavin', got one foot through the door (But I love you) I had my doubts before I thought it through, now I'm gone for sure (But I love you) Can't let you tie me down I wanna have fun and mess around (But I love you) I gotta stand my ground Though you're the best thing I found What's love gotta do with it Gotta do with it, gotta do with it' What's love gotta do with it Gotta do with it, gotta do with it' What's love I hope for goodness sake That you would just cheat, make some mistake (But I love you) So perfect, to wouldn't break You gave me no reason to escape (But I love you) Won't hide, I got skirts to chase Don't wanna be throwin' it in your face (But I love you) I pray to God some days We fight and go our separate ways What's love gotta do with it Gotta do with it, gotta do with it' What's love gotta do with it Gotta do with it, gotta do with it' What's love Me waan fi leave you long time Enuff of man a search for your sign Say that she love me till the end of time But a that not really have pon me mind Me want fi leave you long time Enuff of men a dem search for your sign Say that she love me till the end of time But that I not really have pon me mind What's love gotta do with it Gotta do with it, gotta do with it' What's love gotta do with it Gotta do with it, gotta do with it' What's love gotta do with it Gotta do with it, gotta do with it' What's love gotta do with it Gotta do with it, gotta do with it' What's love

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