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Wynk Music
U Drive Me Crazy (Radio Edit)

U Drive Me Crazy (Radio Edit)

The Collection
03:34Sony Music Entertainment

Lyrics of U Drive Me Crazy (Radio Edit)

You drive me crazy Why are you messin' with my mind? You drive me crazy Why are you tellin' all these lies? You drive me crazy Stop doing all these things to me You drive me crazy 'Cause all I want is to be free I'm feeling weak, I cannot sleep My head is burning, I feel cold down to my feet I wanna yell, somebody help Is there a cure for what I've got? Somebody tell me I need your lovin' face I need your sweet embrace 'Cause you are my only medicine You drive me crazy Why are you messin' with my mind? You drive me crazy Why are you tellin' all these lies? You drive me crazy Stop doing all these things to me You drive me crazy 'Cause all I want is to be free You're on my mind, I'm so uptight I feel sensation in my head down to my spine Goin' insane, can't stand the pain Is my condition permanent? Somebody tell me I need your lovin' face I need your sweet embrace 'Cause you are my only medicine You drive me crazy Why are you messin' with my mind? You drive me crazy Why are you tellin' all these lies? You drive me crazy Stop doing all these things to me You drive me crazy 'Cause all I want is to be free Twenty four, seven You are on my mind, I'm going crazy You are the cure and you know, but you don't care Girl you're driving me insane You can say what you want to Do what you want to As long as you love me girl, I won't front you You're the sweetest thing Let me be your man Let me hold your hand Or let me be your friend Meanwhile I will set the house, up on a hill Girl as you know it's all about the dollar bill Girl I treat you like a queen, like a lady Chica, chico, you drive me crazy You're always on my mind I need you all the time So come and get with me 'Cause darlin' you're the one I need Someone to hold me tight 'Cause I can't sleep at night You are my fantasy Girl you drive me crazy You drive me crazy Why are you messin' with my mind? You drive me crazy Why are you tellin' all these lies? You drive me crazy Stop doing all these things to me You drive me crazy 'Cause all I want is to be free Crazy Why are you messin' with my mind? Crazy Why are you tellin' all these lies? Crazy You drive me crazy Crazy 'Cause all I want is to be free Crazy

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