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Tribute to Sivaji Ganesan - Nadigar Thilagam

Tribute to Sivaji Ganesan - Nadigar Thilagam

Tribute to Sivaji Ganesan - Nadigar Thilagam
03:43arunkanth v

Lyrics of Tribute to Sivaji Ganesan - Nadigar Thilagam

Rap : The name says it all, The man that always stood tall God knows why he left us, with his style and grace making this place a better place Uplift in the face of the common-man In this country of a few good men There was this man for the mass with a class Nadigar Thilagam - Sivaji Yaadhum Aanai Yemakku Yaavum Aanai Nigar Yena Yaar Inge Unakku Nee indi yedhu kizakku Yaadhum Aanai Yemakku Yaavum Aanai Nigar Yena Yaar Inge Unakku (Backing Vocal : Legend, Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji) Nee indi yedhu kizakku Nee nadandhal naanilam Nee sirithal poovanam Un paarvayil, Un pechinil Un assaivinil, Vizhithadhu Yem Thamizhinam Un Payanam Dheivigam Un Nesam Kaarunyam Un Vaazhvilum Anbilum Pon Aalayam yena Silirthadhu Yem Bharadham Kavi yena Kalai yena Karu yena Mozhi yena Isai yena irai yena nirai yena thirai yena Mozhi yena Vizhi Yena Arul Yena Porul Yena Oli Olli Uyir yena uyarvena Ulagam Viyandha Sigarame en ullam kavarndha kalignane Thamizhai Valartha Thilagame Nee Thalaivane Nee Thalaivane One Name that says it all "Chevalier Sivaji" One Name that says it all "Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji" One Name that says it all "Chevalier Sivaji" One Name that says it all "One & Only Sivaji" Yaadhum Aanai Yemakku Yaavum Aanai Nigar Yena Yaar Inge Unakku Nee indi yedhu kizakku Yaadhum Aanai Yemakku Yaavum Aanai Nigar Yena Yaar Inge Unakku Nee indi yedhu kizakku (Rap Vocal : Legend, Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji)

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