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There Goes The Fear

There Goes The Fear

5 Album Set Lost Souls/The Last Broadcast/Lost Sides/Some Cities/Kingdom of Rust

Lyrics of There Goes The Fear

Out of here We're out of here Out of heartache Along with fear There goes the fear again There goes the fear And cars speed fast Out of here And life goes past Again so near There goes the fear again There goes the fear Close your brown eyes And lay down next to me Close your eyes, lay down 'Cause there goes the fear Let it go You turn around and life's passed you by You look to ones you love to ask them why You look to those you love to justify You turned around and life's passed you by Passed you by again And late last night Makes up her mind Another fight left behind There goes the fear again Let it go There goes the fear Close your brown eyes And lay down next to me Close your eyes, lay down 'Cos there goes the fear Let it go You turn around and life's passed you by You look to ones you love to ask them why you look to those you love to justify, why you turned around and life's passed you by Think of me when you're coming down But don't look back when leaving town Oh think of me when he's calling out But don't look back when leaving town Think of me when you close your eyes But don't look back when you break all ties Think of me when you're coming down But don't look back when leaving town today There goes the fear again Let it go There goes the fear Let it go Think of me when you close your eyes But don't look back when you break all ties Think of me when you're coming down But don't look back when leaving town today

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