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The Queen and I

The Queen and I

As Cruel as School Children
03:14Decaydance/Fueled By Ramen/ATL

Lyrics of The Queen and I

I love that how she breathes booze in the mornin' Man, it's so sexy how she can't remember last night I made the fatal mistake of lettin' her drink again Well, who the hell am I to tell her how to live her life? And if you could put dumb in a shot glass I'm just another lush who's had one too many in me Pussy's not enough Forcin' me to stay and settle for anything Anything's better than lettin' her Think she could do better than me She'll come around eventually 'Cause baby girl's a queen But the queen's just a pawn with a bunch of fancy moves And she's made me a fiend I'm goin' through withdrawal but I got nothin' to lose [Chorus] Oh no (Hey!) She's at the bottom of that bottle (Hey! Hey!) She's only one more swallow (Hey!) From being oh-so hollow (Hey!) (Hey! Hey! Hey!) Bravo (Hey!), she's at the bottom of that bottle (Hey! Hey!) She's only one more swallow (Hey!) From being oh-so hollow (Hey!) (Hey! Hey! Hey!) I find it funny she can never find her car keys Immediately after telling me she can't take it She makes the cutest faces when she screams obscenities And slurs her words because she's never not inebriated And the front page headline read Let the girl go; you know you can do better It's bad when the fact that you can't have her Is the reason you sweat her Don't let her take advantage of you Like the other dudes let her You better cut your losses now, buddy 'Cause baby girl's a queen But the queen's just a pawn with a bunch of fancy moves And she's made me a fiend I'm goin' through withdrawal but I got nothin' to lose [Chorus] Drown yourself It's not worth keeping me Just put it down right now And bow out gracefully Drown yourself It's not worth keeping me Just put it down right now And bow out gracefully [Chorus]

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