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Wynk Music
The MotionE

The Motion

Nothing Was The Same Deluxe
04:00Cash Money Records/Young Money Ent./Universal Rec.

Lyrics of The Motion

It's not me and you, it's not me it's you You're reckless and you know it, they don't love you like I do Say you're moving on, well, I guess that's just the motion I guess that's just the motion, I guess that's just the motion I guess that's just the motion, I guess that's just the motion I don't have a fuck to give, I've been moving state to state In my leather and my Timbs like it's 1998 And my dog Chubby Chub, that's my nigga from the way On the east side of the city that's where everybody stay Seem like everybody calling cause they want me on their song It's like every time I touch it I could never do no wrong When they need a favor from your man, they don't leave you alone But I guess that's just the motion Then that phone doesn't ring When they got everything, that's the motion Oh-oh, I guess that's just the motion Oh-oh, I guess that's just the motion Yeah, looking back on it at least my pride is intact 'Cause we said no strings attached and I still got tied up in that Everything that I write is either for her or about her So I'm with her even when I'm here without her and she know it The girl that I wanna save is like a danger to my health Try being with somebody that wanna be somebody else I always thought she was perfect when she was being herself Don't even know how to help, but I guess that's just the motion She'll probably come around Soon as I settle down, that's the motion Oh-oh, I guess that's just the motion Oh-oh, I guess that's just the motion I guess that's just the motion Nothing less and nothing more I hear your heart hit the floor (I guess that's just the motion) Talking to you is not enough I guess thats just the motion I guess that's just the motion I guess that's just the motion

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