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Wynk Music
The First Time (Album Version)

The First Time (Album Version)

Crazy World - EP

Lyrics of The First Time (Album Version)

Can you believe it' It's been almost ten years now And I'm getting that feeling as we're driving 'round this town Passing by the old school yard everything just looks so small Before the drums and the guitars way back when we knew it all And she's sitting right next to me, her hand in the wind In that old white Cherokee I grew up in Yeah, it's crazy Crazy but it's true That you never get a second chance at the first time We will never be eighteen again No, you never get a second chance at the first time It's so good to see you my old friend It's good to see you again Can you believe it? How much everything has changed' Well, they shut down the old diner And they put in some new chain You know it's so good to see you Man, your hair had got so long It feels like it's been forever Used to sing you that old song With you sitting right next to me, your hand in the wind In that old white Cherokee I grew up in Yeah, it's crazy Crazy 'cause it's true Well, you know they say that growing up is hard It's so hard to think of how we almost got so far Do you remember on the night of our first kiss' Baby, didn't it feel just a little bit like this' With you sitting right next to me, your hand in the wind In that old white Cherokee I grew up in Yeah, it's crazy Crazy 'cause it's true That you never get a second chance at the first time We will never be eighteen again No, you never get a second chance at the first time It's so good to see you my old friend It's good to see you again Can you believe it' How much everything has changed' Well, they shut down the old diner And they put in some new chain You know it's so good to see you Man, your hair had got so long It feels like it's been forever Used to sing you that old song With you sitting right next to me, your hand in the wind In that old white Cherokee I grew up in Yeah, it's crazy Crazy 'cause it's true

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