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Wynk Music
The Blizzard

The Blizzard

The Essential Collection
03:19BMG Heritage

Lyrics of The Blizzard

There's a blizzard comin' on, how I'm wishin' I was home For my pony's lame and he can't hardly stand Listen to that norther' sigh, if we don't get home we'll die But it's only seven miles to Mary Anne It's only seven miles to Mary Anne You can bet we're on her mind, for it's nearly suppertime And I'll bet there's hot biscuits in the pan Lord, my hands feel like they're froze and there's a numbness in my toes But it's only five more miles to Mary Anne It's only five more miles to Mary Anne That wind's howlin' and it seems mighty like a woman's screams And we'd best be movin' faster if we can Dan, just think about that barn with that hay so soft and warm For it's only three more miles to Mary Anne It's only three more miles to Mary Anne Dan, get up you ornery cuss, or you'll be the death of us I'm so weary but I'll help you if I can All right Dan, perhaps it's best that we stop awhile and rest For it's still a hundred yards to Mary Anne It's still a hundred yeards to Mary Anne Late that night the storm was gone and they found him there at dawn He'd-a made it but he couldn't leave ol' Dan Yes, they found him there on the plains, his hands froze to the reins He was just a hundred yards from Mary Anne He was just a hundred yards from Mary Anne

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