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Talk to Me Pt. II

Talk to Me Pt. II

The Time Is Now Expanded Edition
03:23Speakerbox/Insanity Records

Lyrics of Talk to Me Pt. II

Hey, how you doing? Yeah I'm doing real fine 'Bout to chill unwind Sittin' relaxing here with a glass of wine But boy you know just what I wanted Come over to mine Yeah I like that vibe I'll be right over and we can kick it one time Always imagined the day You'd having me feeling this way Didn't take much to get me going Ran out of words to say Think that it's time to quit playing All you gotta do is Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk Let your body (talk to me) (Hands on your body now, hands on your body now) Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk Let your body (talk to me) (Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me) Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk Let your body (talk to me) (Hands on your body now, hands on your body now) Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk Let your body (talk to me) (Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me) Hey, where are you? Steady parked outside Siting in my ride Thinking of all the things we're gonna do tonight And I can hear your body's calling Need you next to mine Know just what I like Don't keep me waiting now make your wait inside Always imagined the day You'd having me feeling this way Didn't take much to get me going Ran out of words to say Think that it's time to quit playing All you gotta do is Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk Let your body (talk to me) (Hands on your body now, hands on your body now) Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk Let your body (talk to me) (Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me) Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk Let your body (talk to me) (Hands on your body now, hands on your body now) Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk Let your body (talk to me) (Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me) All you gotta do All you gotta do All you gotta do All you gotta do Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk Let your body (talk to me) (Hands on your body now, hands on your body now) Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk Let your body (talk to me) Whispering words to you softly You turn and say That you're ready Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk Let your body (talk to me) Hands on your body yeah Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk Let your body (talk to me) (Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me)

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