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Lyrics of Swords

You say you love your coco (Hey) They say they love their [?] (M.I.A.) Some say fuck all (Hey) But I'm here to take all Hands up If you hear a knock on the door Hands up If you hear a knock on the door Hands up If you hear a knock on the door I'm here to take you there because you act like you forgot Highly explosive, ready and raw Everything banging like we're in Bangalore Sounds of swords cutting edge like woah Toyota truck, pick us up, let's go! Hands up If you hear a knock on the door Hands up If you hear a knock on the door Hands up If you hear a knock on the door I'm here to take you there because you act like you forgot Loads of guys can't handle this ride When would they know we're best by their side They keep us down and we take it in stride Throw up your head if you've still got light What we know because we just can't hide [?] would know, cut the money we find Yeah it's time, we better get behind Pass the stars and you can't hit rewind We them girls, say holla holla holla We hold the world, say holla holla holla Hands up If you hear a knock on the door Hands up If you hear a knock on the door Hands up If you hear a knock on the door I'm here to take you there because you act like you forgot

About Lyrics

Lyrics of a song are known to amplify emotions, and sometimes even create a memory. With Wynk, you can now read song lyrics in Hindi and English while listening to songs, throughout genres. Enjoy the true meaning of a song with Swords lyrics online on Wynk, while listening to Swords song online here. There are also options to choose your favorite artist Mia, M.I.A. songs on Wynk.

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