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Wynk Music
Stay Awake

Stay Awake

Halcyon Days
03:28Polydor Records

Lyrics of Stay Awake

Take my faith in your hands, we have a lot that hasn't near begun Something is calling us, we're breaking free I'm curious, I need to see Like a flash before our eyes, rolling to the night And if it feels like you're dreaming Believe it, believe it We'll have to wait to the morning The sun will never go down And we'll be this way forever I guarantee you that Just stay awake, stay awake You can feel it just the way it goes Just stay awake, stay awake Bring me down, side by side While our reflections pick up all this collide So full of energy, nothing to hide No need to sleep, we come alive And if we're gonna take this right We can go wherever we like And if it feels like you're dreaming Believe it, believe it We'll have to wait to the morning The sun will never go down And we'll be this way forever I guarantee you that Just stay awake, stay awake You can feel it just the way it goes Just stay awake, stay awake Believe it Take my faith in your hands, we have a lot that hasn't near begun Something is calling us, we're breaking free I'm curious, I need to see Our dreams was lower than this I flash before our dreams Like a flash before our eyes, running through the night And if it feels like you're dreaming Believe it, believe it We'll have to wait to the morning The sun will never go down And we'll be this way forever I guarantee you that Just stay awake, stay awake You can feel it just the way it goes Just stay awake, stay awake

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