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Soundwave Audiotricz Remix

Soundwave Audiotricz Remix

Soundwave (Audiotricz Remix)
04:37Spinnin' Records

Lyrics of Soundwave Audiotricz Remix

Come around, come around make a wall of thunder Be a spark in the dark, a tidal wave, dancing light Build it up now, waiting for the drop is the wonder Oh, what a sound, rainging down all around You're a beautiful sight Oh, hold on tight this only gets better Oh, only you and I know how were gonna get there Drowning in soudwave, no slowing down, sing go, go Into the sunrays, no cooling down, sing no Let's just keep going on Let's just keep going No comin' down, comin' down, the elevation Say it loud to the crowd, our fire burns into the night Turn it up now, sending only good vibrations A whole wall of sound crashing down all around What a beautiful life Oh, hold on tight this only gets better Oh, only you and I know how were gonna get there Drowning in soudwave, no slowing down, sing go, go Into the sunrays, no cooling down, say no Let's just keep going on Let's just keep going Drowning in soudwave, no slowing down, sing go, go Into the sunrays, no cooling down, sing no Let's just keep going on Let's just keep going

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