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So Far Away (Curbi Remix)

So Far Away (Curbi Remix)

So Far Away (Remixes Vol. 2)
03:29Epic Amsterdam

Lyrics of So Far Away (Curbi Remix)

Light 'em up, light 'em up Tell me where you are, tell me where you are The summer nights, the bright lights And the shooting stars, they break my heart I'm calling you now, but you're not picking up Your shadows so close if you are still in love Then light a match, light a match Baby, in the dark, show me where you are So far, so far, so far, so far, so far.. You're calling me now, but I can't pick up Your shadow's too close, and I'm still in love The summer's over now, but somehow, it still breaks my heart We could have had the stars, oh Oh, love How I miss you every single day when I see you on those streets Oh, love Tell me there's a river I can swim that will bring you back to me 'Cause I don't know how to love someone else I don't know how to forget your face Oh, love God, I miss you every single day and now you're so far away So far, so far, so far, so far, so far.. You're calling me now, but I can't pick up Your shadow's too close, and I'm still in love The summer's over now, but somehow, it still breaks my heart We could have had the stars, oh..

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