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Wynk Music
Sing And Shout Live

Sing And Shout Live

Matt Redman Collection
04:23SixSteps (SIX)

Lyrics of Sing And Shout Live

Your Cross, Your Cross It draws me to Your heart It makes my spirit sing, It makes my spirit sing Your grace, Your grace Oh I hear it call my name Im waking up to sing, Im waking up to sing Oh! Oh! (Sing it loud, sing it loud) Your Cross, Your Cross It draws me to Your heart It makes my spirit sing, It makes my spirit sing Your grace, your grace Oh, I hear it call my name Im waking up to sing, Im waking up to sing We will Sing and Shout (yeah) Sing and Shout Open up our hearts And pour Your Praises out We will Sing and Shout (yeah) Sing and Shout Open up our hearts And pour Your Praises out Oh! Oh! (Sing it loud Sing it loud) Because, because Because Your Love came down It makes me wanna sing, It makes me wanna sing Because, because Because you called my name Im waking up to sing, Im waking up to sing We will Sing and Shout (yeah) Sing and Shout Open up our hearts And pour Your Praises out We will Sing and Shout (yeah) Sing and Shout Open up our hearts And pour Your Praises out What could be better than the grace that washes all our shame away? What could be better than Your great Love? What could be better than the grace that leads us home and makes a way? What could be better than Your great Love? What could be better than the grace that washes all our shame away? What could be better than Your great Love? What could be better than the grace that leads us home and makes a way? What could be better than Your great Love? We will Sing and Shout (yeah) Sing and Shout Open up our hearts And pour Your Praises out We will Sing and Shout (yeah) Sing and Shout Open up our hearts And pour Your Praises out What could be better than the grace That washes all our shame away? What could be better than the grace? Shout!

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