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The Essential Heart

Lyrics of Secret

We lead two different lives Just like two lines that never cross And here we are together Standing closer than we are But we're still standing here untouched Too scared to make a move We want so much to touch And we can't wait forever We know it's dangerous For us to be together How do we ever keep this secret How do we keep it in the dark And if we dare to taste our weakness How could we tear ourselves apart Why do we keep this love together Didn't we know right from the start That we would have to keep this secret Or forever stay apart I watch you coming to me Walking in the pouring rain I can't help looking at you Wishing I could stay away So many times I've tried in vain To close my eyes and pray it goes away But I can't stop myself from feeling To let you go would be too much For me to take How do we ever keep this secret How do we deep it in the dark And if we dare to taste our weakness How could we tear ourselves apart Why do we keep this love together Didn't we know right from the start That we would have to keep this secret Or forever stay apart I can't help thinking When I look into your eyes How much I need you It's so hard to hide How do we ever keep this secret How do we keep it in the dark And if we dare to taste our weakness How could we tear ourselves apart Why do we keep this love together Didn't we know right from the start That we would have to keep this secret Or be doomed to stay apart


About Lyrics

Lyrics of a song are known to amplify emotions, and sometimes even create a memory. With Wynk, you can now read song lyrics in Hindi and English while listening to songs, throughout genres. Enjoy the true meaning of a song with Secret lyrics online on Wynk, while listening to Secret song online here. There are also options to choose your favorite artist Heart songs on Wynk.

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