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Say Somethin' David Morales Stereo Anthem Mix

Say Somethin' David Morales Stereo Anthem Mix

Say Somethin' - EP
09:40Def Jam Recordings

Lyrics of Say Somethin' David Morales Stereo Anthem Mix

I'm over here Looking at you You're over there Watching me too Painting pictures of Of how we'll kiss and hug So what we gonna do (So what you gon' do? What you gon' do?) Tell me why we're standing here The moment's passion's all so clear You've got my mind blown And, baby, I'm ready to go (But uh) If it's worth your while Say something, say something If it's worth your while Say something good to me Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey If it's worth your while Do something good to me (Let's make it) Hot as you can stand it Something like volcanic You know it seems organic Just like the stars and planets Yeah, we are So what ya gonna do (So what ya gon' do? What ya gon' do?) Tell me why we're still in here There's nothing for us to fear I can tell with my eyes closed That, baby, I'm ready to go Snoop's Rap: Every time I fall though Want me to speak on the word or two It's the D-O-double-G And I do it so lovingly Diggin' this track by the Neptures Baby girl, follow me to the west room Now get buck wild Don't make a sound I'll take you, lay you down Make your body go round and round Do you want me too? Don't say you won't I know you do Most girls play shy It won't hurt until you give it a try I know you like my smile Dig my style, dig the bow-wow (But uh) If it's worth your while Say something, say something If it's worth your while Say something good to me Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey If it's worth your while Do something good to me If it's worth your while Say something, say something If it's worth your while Say something good to me Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey If it's worth your while Do something good to me

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