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Salute (Anakyn Remix)

Salute (Anakyn Remix)

Dancefloor Hits
05:12Legacy Recordings

Lyrics of Salute (Anakyn Remix)

Ladies all across the world Listen up, we're looking for recruits If you with me, lemme see your hands Stand up and salute Get your killer heels, sneakers, pumps or lace up your boots Representing all the women, salute, salute Ladies all across the world Listen up, we're looking for recruits If you with me, lemme see your hands Stand up and salute Get your killer heels, sneakers, pumps or lace up your boots Representing all the women, salute, salute It's who we are We don't need no camouflage It's the female federal And we're taking off If you with me, women lemme hear you say Ladies all across the world Listen up, we're looking for recruits If you with me, lemme see your hands Stand up and salute Get your killer heels, sneakers, pumps or lace up your boots Representing all the women, salute, salute Attention (salute) Attention (salute) Attention (huh) Representing all the women, salute, salute Sisters we are everywhere Warriors, your country needs you If you ready ladies, better keep steady Ready, aim, shoot it Don't need ammunition, on a mission And we'll hit you with the truth Divas, Queens, we don't need no man, salute Sisters we are everywhere Warriors, your country needs you If you ready ladies, better keep steady Ready, aim, shoot it Don't need ammunition. On a mission And we'll hit you with the truth Representing all the women, salute, salute! It's who we are We don't need no camouflage It's the female federal And we're taking off If you with me, women lemme hear you say Ladies all across the world Listen up, we're looking for recruits If you with me, lemme see your hands Stand up and salute Get your killer heels, sneakers, pumps or lace up your boots Representing all the women, salute, salute Attention (salute) Attention (salute) Attention (huh) Representing all the women, salute, salute You think we're just pretty things You couldn't be more wrong (We standing strong, we carry on) Knock us but we keep moving on (we're moving up, yeah) Can't stop a hurricane, ladies it's time to awake (yeah) Attention Attention Individuals Originals Huh Lemme hear you say Ladies all across the world Listen up, we're looking for recruits If you with me, lemme see your hands Stand up and salute Get your killer heels, sneakers, pumps or lace up your boots Representing all the women, salute, salute Attention (salute) Attention (salute) Attention (huh) Representing all the women, salute, salute! (Ladies, the time has come, the war has begun Let us stand together And remember, men fight great, but women are greater fighters) Huh! Representing all the women, salute, salute

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