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The New Classic Deluxe Version

Lyrics of Rolex

You used to be everything, now that mean nothing Thought this was poker with the cards up but we were bluffing I miss you but pride won't let me tell you Thought that we had all the time But I'm guessing that plans fell through Yeah, we fell off I won't ask you to climb back I paid twenty for that Rolly, I just want my time back Was wrong too but I see it now That you don't give a damn I got you tatted, you took off before the ink dried on my hands I tried to be perfect and I played myself And it hurts so bad, we coulda worked on that 'Cause you say you love me, but real love don't work like that The truth is, I left a piece of me in a piece I gave you And I tend to laugh and crack a smile when things get painful Said I crack a smile when things get painful Remembering the moments when I used to date you Rolex's don't tick-tock But damn it baby, my time costs And damn it baby, my time is money So I need payback for all the time lost I need payback for all the time lost Said, I need payback for all the time lost Damn it baby, my time costs So I need payback for all the time lost Say that you love me I say that you're lying 'Cause I said we could work on it, you said "let's leave it behind" Couldn't put together the picture I paint in my mind So how I see you know insulting me is wasting my time But we live and learn and learn and love and let go 'Cause if we stay in this then we might make it worse than before Another hard lesson, stressing taking personal notes Remember sweet nothings, like baby, what's the purpose in those? Both of us saying it shouldn't have went like that But sometimes in love, it just get like that Used to think that when it went wrong we'd get right back You know, Cupid's got another arrow, and shit like that And for all of y'all watching I hope that this entertain you And that you enjoyed this song that I sang you 'Cause I'm still here laughing when it get painful Remembering the moments when I used to date you Rolex's don't tick-tock But damn it baby, my time costs And damn it baby, my time is money So I need payback for all the time lost I need payback for all the time lost Said, I need payback for all the time lost Damn it baby, my time costs So I need payback for all the time lost Rolex's don't tick-tock But damn it baby, my time costs And damn it baby, my time is money So I need payback for all the time lost I need payback for all the time lost Said, I need payback for all the time lost Damn it baby, my time costs So I need payback for all the time lost

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