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07:10Universal Music A/S

Lyrics of Rise

[Intro] - "Heeeeheeeeeyeah..." "Did you hear it? Love Mee.." "Did you hear it? Love Mee.." "I wonder just, kissing mee.." "I wonder just, kissing mee.." - "I never felt so used, i won't come back to you.. SO LEAVE ME ALONE.." "I wasn't good enough, there was never Everest.. SO LEAVE ME ALONE.." "Alone.. Alone.. SO LEAVE ME ALONE.. Alone.. Alone.." - "I've had enough from your kiss, the touch of your hand out miss.." "I'm drip and know the crazy way" "I'm caught open your waves and lies.." "But I caught myself loose and say good bye, bye, bye." - "I don't want you.. I don't need you.. I don't want you.. No..." - "I never felt so used, i won't come back to you.. SO LEAVE ME ALONE.." "I wasn't good enough, there was never everest.. SO LEAVE ME ALONE.." "Alone.. Alone.. SO LEAVE ME ALONE.. Alone.. Alone.. SO LEAVE ME ALONE.." "Hey.. Hey.. Heey.. Heyehey.. Hey.. You gotta believe it, believe it.. YEAH.." - "Did you hear it? Love Mee.." "Did you hear it? Love Mee.." "I wonder just, kissing mee.." "I wonder just, kissing mee.." - "Oooooooooooooooooooooohohohohoh.... Ohhhhhhhhhhooohhooh.. Oahhhhhahhh.." "I never felt so used, i won't come back to you.. SO LEAVE ME ALONE.." "I wasn't good enough, there was never everest.. SO LEAVE ME ALONE.." "Alone.. Alone.. SO LEAVE ME ALONE.. Alone.. Alone.."

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Lyrics of a song are known to amplify emotions, and sometimes even create a memory. With Wynk, you can now read song lyrics in Hindi and English while listening to songs, throughout genres. Enjoy the true meaning of a song with Rise lyrics online on Wynk, while listening to Rise song online here. There are also options to choose your favorite artist Safri Duo songs on Wynk.

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