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Icarus Falls
02:51RCA Records Label

Lyrics of Rainberry

Rainberry, please You think I'm on my knees But don't you worry I know what you don't know Don't even start The truth won't break my heart No, don't you worry I already know Too many bones inside your closet You thought you buried deep But they never let me get a minute of peace How do you sleep? Ooh Rainberry Falling down your blood red lips Why are you eyes heavy? Is there somebody else you miss? Tell me what's going on Before I go too far Said Rainberry, is there somebody else Somebody else now? Dry your eyes 'cause it won't work this time I already dried mine And I'm not drying yours Go wash your hands But you can't change the past Those stories ain't cheap now You don't mean it, I'm sure Too many bones inside your closet You thought you buried deep But they never let me get a minute of peace How do you sleep? Rainberry Falling down your blood red lips Why are you eyes heavy? Is there somebody else you miss? Tell me what's going on Before I go too far Said Rainberry, is there somebody else Somebody else now? Rainberry (Rainberry) Rainberry, please Rainberry Too many bones inside your closet You thought you buried deep But they never let me get a minute of peace How do you sleep? Ooh Rainberry Falling down your blood red lips Why are you eyes heavy? Is there somebody else you miss? Tell me what's going on Before I go too far Said Rainberry, is there somebody else Somebody else now?


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