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Wynk Music
Pretend It's OK

Pretend It's OK

DNA (Expanded Edition)
03:44Syco Music

Lyrics of Pretend It's OK

What would you do? What would you say? How does it feel? Pretend it's OK My eyes deceive me, but it's still the same Pretend it's OK I remember the day when we were out all night I wish that I can get the day back and tell you it's alright Cause we all do the same thing, we just don't realize That we're living on borrowed time What would you do? What would you say? How does it feel? Pretend it's OK My eyes deceive me, but it's still the same Pretend it's OK I see the light that I'm chasing A memory, but it's fading When it's gone I'll be waiting Knowing it's too late (knowing it's too late) You chose the road that I'm walking Now it's your soul that I'm caught in And you're not hearing when I'm calling Calling your name One breath, one step, one life, one heart Two words, two eyes, new beginning, new start Too neat, too narrow, too short, too bright, I'm there with you, here by my side What would you do? What would you say? How does it feel? Pretend it's OK My eyes deceive me, but it's still the same Pretend it's OK Nothing here, no one talking, knowing it's too late But sometimes it can get so hard pretending it's OK Nothing here, no one talking, nothing's gonna change But sometimes it can get so hard pretending it's OK What would you do? (what would you do?) What would you say? (what would you say?) How does it feel? Pretend it's OK My eyes deceive me, but it's still the same Pretend it's OK What would you do? (what would you do?) What would you say? (what would you say?) How does it feel? Pretend it's OK My eyes deceive me, but it's still the same Pretend it's OK Oh yeah What would you do? What would you say? Pretending it's OK What would you do? What would you say?

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