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Wynk Music
Please Please Please

Please Please Please

Music From The WB Television Series One Tree Hill Volume 2: Friends With Benefit

Lyrics of Please Please Please

Long time ago The times we had were so and so It was the worst date of your life So I called you home your so called father was on the phone He wasn't easy to ignore But were all happy 'cause the streets there are always there for us And its quite scary when you wake up in the same old clubs It's getting darker and I know time wasn't meant for us So won't you please please please come back to me But yesterday when I saw your eyes in a black haze You didn't even know my name So I walked on pretending that you still belong But it will never be the same no more But were all happy 'cause the streets there are always there for us And its quite scary when you wake up in the same old clubs It's getting darker and I know time wasn't meant for us So won't you please please please come back to me It's like a picture of a loved one in disguise or It's like finding something pretty energized and If you want just hide your eyes behind your head But you can't see me then you can't find me anywhere But were all happy 'cause the streets there are always there for us And it's quite scary when you wake up in the same old clubs It's getting darker and I know time wasn't meant for us So won't you please please please come back to me Come back to me Please please please Please please please

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