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Papa Don't Take No Mess Pt. 1

Papa Don't Take No Mess Pt. 1

Greatest Breakbeats

Lyrics of Papa Don't Take No Mess Pt. 1

Super! heavy! funk! hot! hot! hot! and bad! Hey Papa don't take no mess Papa don't take no mess Papa is the man who can understand How a man has to do whatever he can Hit me! Papa don't- Papa don't- Papa don't Papa don't take no mess no He don't take no mess Now papa might grin Drank a little taste of gin Bet his last ten on a little game of skin Hit me! Wahoo Papa don't take no mess Papa don't take no mess Papa don't- Papa don't- Papa don't Papa don't- Papa don't Papa don't take no mess Hey-hey! Papa digs the chicks If she look real slick hoo! Papa rap is very quick You devil it ain't no trick Oh yeah! Don't Papa- don't Papa- don't Papa- Don't Papa- don't Papa- don't Papa- Don't take no mess Don't take no messs! Wait! wait a minute Look-a-here! Papa! Don't take- Papa likes 'Cause when Papa gets uptight He knows he's right Huh! you got yourself a fight Hit me! Waaaahoooo! Papa don't take no mess Papa don't take nooo mess! Papa don't- Papa don't- Papa don't Papa don't- Papa don't- Papa don't Papa don't take no mess Oh yeah! alright! Papa is the man who'll take a stand Papa don't take no mess Papa don't- papa don't papa don't A don't a papa don't Look! Dig this! Papa didn't cuss He didn't raise a whole lotta fuss But when we did wrong Papa beat the hell out of us uh! Yeah-heeeeeey! don't A don't papa- don't papa- don't papa Don't papa- don't papa- don't papa Papa don't take no mess Papa don't take nooo mess! I saw papa cry When he thought that I would die Look-a-here I saw papa cry When he thought that I would die He says something was in his eye I knew it was a lie Mama said "Papa's smart" Papa got a whole lot-ta heart And papa would do his part When the game get hard Hit me! Oooooh! Papa don't- papa don't- papa don't Papa don't- papa don't Papa don't take no mess

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