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Wynk Music
My Own Dance

My Own Dance

High Road
02:41Kemosabe Records/RCA Records

Lyrics of My Own Dance

Woke up this morning, feeling myself Hungover as hell like 2012, fuck it "We get it that you've been through a lot of shit But life's a bitch, so come on, shake your tits and fuck it" What's a girl to do? What's a girl to do? "You're the party girl, you're the tragedy" But the funny thing's I'm fucking everything Hey, I don't do that dance Hey, I don't do that Hey, I don't do that dance I only do my own dance Hey, I don't do that dance Don't circumcise my circumstance Hey, I don't do that dance I only do my own dance "So, the internet called and it wants you back But could you kinda rap and not be so sad?" Fuck it What's a girl to do? What's a girl to do? Everybody, get out your nasty moves So let's talk some shit and pour some booze, fuck it What's a girl to do? Is this what you want? Fuck you "You're the party girl, you're the tragedy" But the funny thing's I'm fucking everything Hey, I don't do that dance Hey, I don't do that Hey, I don't do that dance I only do my own dance Hey, I don't do that dance Don't circumcise my circumstance Hey, I don't do that dance I only do my own dance I don't owe 'em nothing, maybe I owe everything Grateful for the lovers and even the haters I feel like I'm nothing, someday's, I am everything Caught up in my feelings, bitch, shut up and sing Ooh Hey, I don't do that dance Hey, I don't do that (no) Hey, I don't do that dance I only do my own dance Hey, I don't do that dance Don't circumcise my circumstance Hey, I don't do that dance I only do my own dance Hey, I don't do that dance Hey, I don't do that (Do that, do that) Hey, I don't do that dance I only do my own dance Hey, I don't do that dance Don't circumcise my circumstance Hey, I don't do that dance I only do my own dance

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