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Wynk Music
Moonquake Lake

Moonquake Lake

Annie (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
02:53Roc Nation Records/Overbook Entertainment/Madison Gate Records/RCA Records

Lyrics of Moonquake Lake

She's a fish and he's a boy Moonquake moonquake I want to take a swim in Lake Moon Now I am awake always Since I dove into your blue Moonquake moonquake I want to take a swim in Lake Moon Now I am awake always Since I dove into your blue She came from the Moon ready to fight With scales and a tail and a fishy bite Ready to destroy all of humankind Fierce and fighting with a brook trout mind He was born in an airship above the earth Strong in legend, my soul's in mirth Son of a mime and a performer With just a smile for a sweet ?? They were never meant to meet (put faith in ?) They were never meant to be (oh it never does) They were never meant to see (oh but fate didn't listen) They were never She's a fish, he's a boy Moonquake moonquake I want to take a swim in Lake Moon Now I am awake always Since I dove into your blue Moonquake moonquake I want to catch you in my net Now I am awake always Like the day when I found it And then one solstice at a fishing hole He was unsure casting his bowl She swam right up to him and took the bait He reeled her in and made it a date When your worlds are worn, you look inside Fight the power, stop the divide Four eyes, two gills, one human nose Wrap your eyes around me in the river floes Moonquake moonquake I want to take a swim in Lake Moon Now I am awake always Since I dove into your blue Moonquake moonquake I want to catch you in my net Now I am awake always Like a day when I found it Moonquake Moonquake Moonquake Moonquake Moonquake Moonquake Moonquake Moonquake Moonquake

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