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Wynk Music
Miss Sarajevo

Miss Sarajevo

The Best Of 1990-2000
04:30℗ 1995 Island Records, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited

Lyrics of Miss Sarajevo

Miss Sarajevo Is there a time for keeping your distance A time to turn your eyes away Is there a time for keeping your head down For getting on with your day Is there a time for kohl and lipstick A time for curling hair Is there a time for high street shopping To find the right dress to wear Here she comes Heads turn around Here she comes To take her crown Is there a time to run for cover A time for kiss and tell Is there a time for different colors Different names you find it hard to spell Is there a time for first communion A time for East Seventeen Is there a time to turn to Mecca Is there time to be a beauty queen Here she comes Beauty plays the clown Here she comes Surreal in her crown Dici che il fiume Trova la via al mare E come il fiume Giungerai a me Oltre I confini E le terre assetate Dici che come il fiume Come il fiume, L'amore giungera L'amore, E non so piu pregare E nell'amore non so piu sperare E quell'amore non so piu aspettare Is there a time for tying ribbons A time for Christmas trees Is there a time for laying tables And the night is set to freeze O lijepa, o draga, o slatka slobodo, Dar you kom sva blaga vi?nji nam bog je do

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