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Love Really Hurts Without You

Love Really Hurts Without You

The Very Best of Billy Ocean
03:06Sony Music UK

Lyrics of Love Really Hurts Without You

You run around town like a fool and you think that it's groovy You're givin' it to some other guy who gives you the eye You don't give nothin' to me, you painted a smile You painted a smile and you dress all the while to excite me But don't you know you're turning me on I know that it's wrong, but I can't stop this pain inside me Baby, love really hurts without you, Love really hurts without you, And it's breaking my heart, But what can I do, baby, Love really hurts without you, Love really hurts through and through And it's breaking my heart But what can I do without you You walk like a dream and you make like you're queen of the action You're using ev'ry trick in the book the way that you look You're really something to see, You cheat and you lie to impress any guy that you fancy, But don't you know I'm out of my mind, so give me a sign And help to ease the pain inside me. Baby, love really hurts without you, Love really hurts without you, And it's breaking my heart, But what can I do, baby, Love really hurts without you, Love really hurts through and through And it's breaking my heart But what can I do without you Baby, love really hurts without you, Love really hurts without you, And it's breaking my heart, But what can I do, baby, Love really hurts without you, Love really hurts through and through And it's breaking my heart But what can I do Baby, love really hurts without you, Love really hurts without you, And it's breaking my heart, But what can I do, baby, Love really hurts without you, Love really hurts through and through And it's breaking my heart

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