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03:08Downtown JV

Lyrics of L.M.F.

Said she Rafiki, you a lion, Mufasa Baby ain't nothing 'bout me PG, rated X for extraordinary The Mary got me merry, now I'm singing like Mary Mary The coupe going stupid, call it Cupid it's February Lil boo got them juices, heal me up with the elderberry Typhoon in that Poom Poom, taste better when it's vegetarian I milk the game like moo-moo-moo, bitch get out the way A St. Louis nigga give you Jason Voorhees or Jayson Tatum A St. Louis nigga give you Jason Voorhees or Jayson Shoot these niggas, lights out, dip the barrel in mashed potatoes Shoot these niggas, lights out, dip the barrel in mashed potatoes Father you Told me come through with the follow through Pour my heart out my pores You can smell what I pour leaking out my follicles 5 A.M. leaving Folleys finally, bouta go cop a 9-piece Lemon pepper wet to dry my tummy Remy got me slutty She call me her lil baby I call her my lil buddy Hit her up like (mhmm) Come through for a lil Cudi Hit her up like (mhmm) Come through for a lil Cudi Hit her up like (mhmm) Come through for a lil Cudi I'm flee like 10 puppies These Japanese I don't drink champagne But fuck it clack the drinks Overseas with the G's that's hard Concrete shit 'Cause these niggas, been my boys From the cement, believe it I fingered the fire, then figaro heat up Lebron Look at the time, a quarter to nine A nigga just ordered my nine Hakuna Matata, I look like my father You a lion, Mufasa Said she Rafiki, you a lion, Mufasa Baby ain't nothing bout me PG, rated X for extraordinary The Mary got me merry, now I'm singing like Mary Mary The coupe going stupid, call it Cupid it's February Lil boo got them juices, heal me up with the elderberry Typhoon in that Poom Poom, taste better when it's vegetarian I milk the game like moo-moo-moo, bitch get out the way A St. Louis nigga give you Jason Voorhees or Jayson Tatum St. Louis, came from St. Lou, straight from St. Lou

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