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Like It Is

Like It Is

Like It Is

Lyrics of Like It Is

Maybe you should leave this girl alone But you won't But you don't Now delete my number from your phone But you won't You gotta go Oh, line-by-line, gotta spell it right out (Yeah) I don't know what you're looking for But I don't think it's me I wish I could give you my all Not caught in make believe I don't feel how you feel I'm just tellin' it like it is I don't need you to say those words no more I'm just tellin' it like it is (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it, tellin' it (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it like it is (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it, tellin' it (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it like it is (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it, tellin' it (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it like it is (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it, tellin' it (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it like it is Yeah, hol' up, wait a minute, let's make this right You're the only one thing that I need in my life And I ain't never met a girl like you before I could tell you everything if you need to know We was perfect before and I made mistakes Told you I was all in, we can raise the stakes Even though I'm a player, I ain't contemplate Now you on a vacay, hotel heartbreak Champagne all day, on me, oh yeah Miami with your friends, you ain't worried 'bout me Got a room with a suite, so drunk, lose the key And I know we ain't over so, the ring, you can keep We be right back tomorrow night, yeah It's for life, you know we ride or die, yeah Single for the night but you still mine And I'ma chill with this shawty just to kill the time, y'know I'm just tellin' it like it is (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it, tellin' it (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it like it is (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it, tellin' it (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it like it is (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it, tellin' it (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it like it is (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it, tellin' it (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it like it is (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it, tellin' it (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it like it is (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it, tellin' it (you got me, you got me) I'm just tellin' it like it is

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