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Wynk Music
Let's Get Loud

Let's Get Loud

R&B Summer Mix
03:58Legacy Recordings

Lyrics of Let's Get Loud

Let's get loud, let's get loud Turn the music up, let's do it C'mon people let's get loud Let's get loud Turn the music up to hear that sound Let's get loud, let's get loud Ain't nobody gotta tell ya What you gotta do If you want to live your life Live it all the way and don't waste it Every feelin' every beat Can be so very sweet you gotta taste it You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way You gotta prove it You gotta mean what you say You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way You gotta prove it You gotta mean what you say Life's a party, make it hot Dance don't ever stop whatever rhythm Every minute, every day Take them all the way you gotta live 'em ('cause I'm going to live my life) You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way You gotta prove it You gotta mean what you say You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way You gotta prove it You gotta mean what you say Let's get loud, let's get loud Turn the music up to hear that sound Let's get loud, let's get loud Ain't nobody gotta tell ya What you gotta do Let's get down,Let's get down,Let's get down Let's get loud, let's get loud,let's get loud Life is meant to be big fun You're not hurting anyone Nobody loses Let the music make you free Be what you want to be Make no excuses You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way You gotta prove it You gotta mean what you say You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way You gotta prove it You gotta mean what you say Let's get loud, let's get loud Turn the music up to hear that sound Let's get loud, let's get loud Ain't nobody gotta tell ya What you gotta do Let's get loud, let's get loud Let's get loud, let's get loud Let's get loud, let's get loud Turn the music up to hear that sound Let's get loud, let's get loud Ain't nobody gotta tell ya What you gotta do

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