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Wynk Music
Let Our Faith Become A Mountain Live

Let Our Faith Become A Mountain Live

Love Has A Name Deluxe/Live
04:46Jesus Culture

Lyrics of Let Our Faith Become A Mountain Live

You alone are the healer for the hurting You alone are the refuge for the broken So strengthen our hearts and let us not grow weary Steady our souls and make us brave in the fire Let our faith become a mountain That will rise and never fall Lifted high above the valley We declare Your kingdom come We will cling to what You've promised Till the day You call us home Let our faith become a mountain we stand on You alone know the end and the beginning You alone see a way when hope is fading So strengthen our hearts and let us not grow weary Steady our souls and make us brave in the fire Let our faith become a mountain That will rise and never fall Lifted high above the valley We declare Your kingdom come We will cling to what You've promised Till the day You call us home Let our faith become a mountain we stand on We will stand unaffected by the chaos We will stand no matter what the cost No more worry, no more fear Every doubt will disappear We will stand unaffected by the chaos We will stand no matter what the cost No more worry, no more fear Every doubt will disappear Disappear Let our faith become a mountain That will rise and never fall Lifted high above the valley We declare Your kingdom come We will cling to what You've promised Till the day You call us home Let our faith become a mountain That will rise and never fall Lifted high above the valley We declare Your kingdom come We will cling to what You've promised Till the day You call us home Let our faith become a mountain we stand on Let our faith arise Let our faith arise Strengthen our faith in You

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