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Kills You SlowlyE

Kills You Slowly

World War Joy...Push My Luck
03:33Disruptor Records/Columbia

Lyrics of Kills You Slowly

Made plans with me and all your friends I'm late again, I hate to keep you waiting Tried to be a gentleman, got drunk again before I even made it Tried to call a car for you, you're tired of me I know you wouldn't take it You walked a mile in Louis Vuitton and fucked 'em up You know that they're my favorite But we dress up and play pretend Then we act like we're good again I do things I can't defend And even when you hold it in Hold it, even though it kills you slowly Explosions, hidden when we're in the open Keep on smilin' until it's over Hold it, even though it kills you slowly Arguments that never end You're talkin' shit to spice up conversation I'm so sick of back and forth These fights with you are startin' to feel contagious Said that I'm no good for you Right before we walk into your parents Then you put on that smile again And grab my hand even though you hate it But we dress up and play pretend Then we act like we're good again I do things I can't defend And even when you hold it in Hold it, even though it kills you slowly Explosions, hidden when we're in the open Keep on smilin' until it's over Hold it, even though it kills you slowly Oh, but, but it, it won't, but I said You hold on, hopin' it gon' stop, but it don't Oh, but, but it, it won't, but I said You hold on, hopin' it gon' stop, but it don't Hold it, even though it kills you slowly Explosions hidden when we're in the open And keep on smilin' until it's over Hold it, even though it kills you slowly Hold it, even though it kills you slowly (Oh, but, but it, it won't, but I said) (You hold on, hopin' it gon' stop, but it don't) Explosions hidden when we're in the open (Oh, but, but it, it won't, but I said) (You hold on, hopin' it gon' stop, but it don't) Keep on smilin' (Oh, but, but it, it won't, but I said) Until it's over (You hold on, hopin' it gon' stop, but it don't) Holdin' even though it kills you slowly (Oh, but, but it, it won't, but I said) (You hold on, hopin' it gon' stop, but it don't)

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