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Wynk Music
Keep Yourself Alive

Keep Yourself Alive

Queen Rock Montreal
03:29℗ 2007 Queen Productions Ltd, under exclusive licence to Universal International Music BV

Lyrics of Keep Yourself Alive

Take off I was told a million times Of all the troubles in my way Mind you grow a little wiser Little better every day But if I crossed a million rivers And I rode a million miles Then I'd still be where I started Bread and butter for a smile Well I sold a million mirrors In a shopping alley way But I never saw my face In any window any day Now they say your folks are telling you Be a super star But I tell you just be satisfied Stay right where you are Keep yourself alive, yeah Keep yourself alive Ooh, it'll take you all your time and money Honey you'll survive Ow Well I've loved a million women In a belladonic haze And I ate a million dinners Brought to me on silver trays Give me everything I need To feed my body and my soul And I'll grow a little bigger Maybe that can be my goal I was told a million times Of all the people in my way How I had to keep on trying And get better every day But if I crossed a million rivers And I rode a million miles Then I'd still be where I started Same as when I started Keep yourself alive, come on Keep yourself alive Ooh, it'll take you all your time and money honey You'll survive, shake Ow Keep yourself alive, wow Keep yourself alive Oh, it'll take you all your time and money To keep me satisfied Do you think you're better every day? No, I just think I'm two steps nearer to my grave Keep yourself alive, c'mon Keep yourself alive Mm, you take your time and take more money Keep yourself alive Keep yourself alive C'mon keep yourself alive All you people keep yourself alive Keep yourself alive C'mon c'mon keep yourself alive It'll take you all your time and a money To keep me satisfied Keep yourself alive Keep yourself alive All you people keep yourself alive Take you all your time and money honey You will survive Keep you satisfied

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