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High As Hope

Lyrics of June

The show was ending and I had started to crack Woke up in Chicago and the sky turned black And you're so high, you're so high, you had to be an angel And I'm so high, I'm so high, I can see an angel I hear your heart beating in your chest The world slows 'till there's nothing left Skyscrapers look on like great, unblinking giants (oh) In those heavy days in June When love became an act of defiance (Oh) (Oh) (Oh) Hold onto each other Hold onto each other Hold onto each other Hold onto each other You were broken-hearted and the world was, too And I was beginning to lose my grip And I have always held it loosely But this time I admit I felt it really start to slip And choir singing in the street And I will come to you To watch the television screen In your hotel room Always down to hide with you Hold onto each other Hold onto each other Hold onto each other Hold onto each other You're so high, you're so high You're so high, you're so high You're so high, you're so high You had to be an angel I'm so high, I'm so high I'm so high, I'm so high I'm so high, I'm so high I can see an angel

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Lyrics of a song are known to amplify emotions, and sometimes even create a memory. With Wynk, you can now read song lyrics in Hindi and English while listening to songs, throughout genres. Enjoy the true meaning of a song with June lyrics online on Wynk, while listening to June song online here. There are also options to choose your favorite artist Florence + The Machine songs on Wynk.

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