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Wynk Music
It's Five O'Clock Somewhere

It's Five O'Clock Somewhere

Yacht Rock Classics
03:49Legacy Recordings

Lyrics of It's Five O'Clock Somewhere

In the middle of late last night I was sittin' on a curb I didn't know what about but I was feeling quite disturbed A street sweeper came whistlin' by He was bouncin' every step It seemed strange how good he felt So I asked him while he swept He said "It's my job to be cleaning up this mess And that's enough reason to go for me It's my job to be better than the rest And that makes the day for me" Got an uncle who owns a bank he's a self made millionaire He never had anyone to love never had no one to care He always to seemed kind of sad to me So I asked him why that was And he told me it's because in my contract there's a clause That says "It's my job to worried half to death And that's the thing people respect in me It's a job but without it I'd be less Than what I expect from me" I've been lazy most all of my life Writing songs and sleeping late Any manual labor I've done purely by mistake If street sweepers can smile then I've got no right to feel upset But sometimes I still forget Till the lights go on and the stage is set And the song hits home and you feel that sweat It's my job to be different than the rest and that's enough reason to go for me It's my job to be better than the best and that's a tough break for me It's my job to be cleaning up this mess and that's enough reason to go for me It's my job to be better than the best and that makes the day for me

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