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Wynk Music
If I'm Dancing

If I'm Dancing

Glory (Deluxe)
03:24RCA Records Label

Lyrics of If I'm Dancing

Cinematic, take it right back With a bottle of perfume lotion Where'd you come from talking like that? Butterfly from the bottom of the ocean And I can't stop this slow motion trip Been away with me, no politics It's a perfect notion Your gravity has got me Bowing in devotion You and me fit a magic trick If I'm dancing, if I'm dancing, if I'm dancing I know the music's good If we're dancing, if we're dancing, if we're dancing I know that we'll be good One look at him and I see Candy-coated heart shapes The jewels and furniture can go But baby, he stays He plays sitar, three notes so far If I'm dancing, if I'm dancing, if I'm dancing I know the music's good (did you get that?) If we're dancing, if we're dancing, if we're dancing I know that we'll be good My chakra's all been green and red But he wants blue and green instead (let's just do it over) My chakra's all been green and red But he wants blue and green instead If I'm dancing, if I'm dancing, if I'm dancing I know the music's good If we're dancing, if we're dancing, if we're dancing I know that we'll be good

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