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If I Believe You

If I Believe You

I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it
06:20Polydor Records

Lyrics of If I Believe You

Ive got a God shaped hole Thats infected And Im petrified of being alone now It's pathetic, I know And I tossed and I turn in my bed It's just like I lost my head (lost my head) And if I believe you Will that make it stop? If I told you I need you Is that what you want? And I'm broken and bleeding And begging for help And I'm asking you Jesus, show yourself I thought Id met you once or twice But that was just because the dabs were nice and opening up my mind Showing me consciousness is primary in the universe And I had a revelation I'll be your child if you insist I mean if it was you that made my body You probably shouldn't have made me atheist But, oh, I'm a lesbian kiss I'm an evangelist And if you don't want to go to hell and miss, you better start selling this Yeah And if I believe you Will that make it stop? If I told you I need you Is that what you want? And I'm broken and bleeding And begging for help And I'm asking you Jesus, show yourself If I'm lost then how can I find myself? If I'm lost then how can I find myself? If I'm lost then how can I find myself? If I'm lost now then how can I find myself? If I'm lost now then how can I find myself? If I'm lost then how can I find myself? Then how can I find myself? If I'm lost now then how can I find myself? Yeah, yeah, yeah If I'm lost now then how can I find myself? Yeah, yeah

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