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I Don't Feel Like Dancin'

I Don't Feel Like Dancin'

Ta Dah
04:48Universal Music Group International

Lyrics of I Don't Feel Like Dancin'

Wake up in the morning with a head like 'What ya done?' This used to be the life but I don't need another one Good luck cuttin' nothin', carryin' on, you wear them gowns So how come I feel so lonely when you're up gettin' down? So I play along when I hear that favorite song I'm gonna be the one who gets it right You better know when you're swingin' 'round the room Looks like magic's solely yours tonight But I don't feel like dancin' when the old Joanna plays My heart could take a chance but my two feet can't find a way You think that I could muster up a little soft shoe gentle sway But I don't feel like dancin', no sir, no dancin' today Don't feel like dancin', dancin' Even if I find nothin' better to do Don't feel like dancin', dancin' Why'd you break it down when I'm not in the mood? Don't feel like dancin', dancin' Rather be home with no one if I can't get down with you Cities come and cities go just like the old empires When all you do is change your clothes and call that versatile You got so many colors make a blind man so confused Then why can't I keep up when you're the only thing I lose? So I'll just pretend that I know which way to bend And I'm gonna tell the whole world that you're mine Just please understand when I see you clapped your hands If you stick around I'm sure that you'll be fine But I don't feel like dancin' when the old Joanna plays My heart could take a chance but my two feet can't find a way You think that I could muster up a little soft shoe gentle sway But I don't feel like dancin', no sir, no dancin' today Don't feel like dancin', dancin' Even if I find nothin' better to do Don't feel like dancin', dancin' Why'd you break it down when I'm not in the mood? Don't feel like dancin', dancin' Rather be home with no one if I can't get down with you You can't make me dance around But your two-step makes my chest pound Just lay me down As you float away into the shimmer light But I don't feel like dancin' when the old Joanna plays My heart could take a chance but my two feet can't find a way You think that I could muster up a little soft shoe gentle sway But I don't feel like dancin', no sir, no dancin' today Don't feel like dancin', dancin' Even if I find nothin' better to do Don't feel like dancin', dancin' Why'd you break it down when I'm not in the mood? Don't feel like dancin', dancin' Rather be home with no one if I can't get down with you

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