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Hurts 2B Human

Hurts 2B Human

Hurts 2B Human
03:22RCA Records Label

Lyrics of Hurts 2B Human

Boy, you make it sound so pretty even when it's not Didn't choose, but it's the only one we've got And sometimes, I get so tired of getting tied up in my thoughts You're the only one that ever makes it stop God, it hurts to be human Without you, I'd be losing And someday, we'll face the music God, it hurts to be human But I've got you, you, you, you, you, hey And you've got me, me, me, me, too Like we're buckled and preparing for the crash Like we're walking down a road of broken glass Now if we defeat all odds and it was us against the world You can count on me, you know I'd have your back God, it hurts to be human Without you, I'd be losing And someday, we'll face the music God, it hurts to be human But I've got you, you, you, you, you, hey And you've got me, me, me, me, too But I've got you, you, you, you, you, hey And you've got me, me, me, me, too Hope floats away If you could spend a day in my shoes Your mind would change If you knew what I've gone through We want the same (Yeah, we do) Maybe then you'd understand How it hurts to be human, oh God, it hurts to be human Without you (Without you) I'd be losing (Yeah, yeah, yeah) And someday, we'll face the music (Yeah) God, it hurts (Yeah) to be human But I've got you, you, you, you, you, hey And you've got me, me, me, me, too But I've got you, you, you, you, you, hey And you've got me, me, me, me, too Oh God, it hurts to be human

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