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How Does It Feel WEISS Edit

How Does It Feel WEISS Edit

How Does It Feel Weiss Edit

Lyrics of How Does It Feel WEISS Edit

How does it feel When your walls fall down? How does it feel When you're lost and found? How does it feel It's the sweetest sound How does it feel I can feel my fire burning Got my mind in overdrive Lose focus, vision blurring And time is on the line There's no mistake 'cause I know what I'm craving And I don't wanna wait no more And I control this path that I'm taking But I don't wanna wait no more How does it feel When your walls fall down? How does it feel When you're lost and found? How does it feel It's the sweetest sound How does it feel How does it feel How does it feel How does it feel I'll face my fears, no running Got my feet firm on the ground Set sail, the ocean's calling To find a land unfound There's no mistake 'cause I know what I'm craving And I don't wanna wait no more And I control this path that I'm taking But I don't wanna wait no more How does it feel When your walls fall down? How does it feel When you're lost and found? How does it feel It's the sweetest sound How does it feel How does it feel How does it feel How does it feel Oh-oh, I'm not giving up Oh-oh, how does it feel Oh-oh, I'm not giving up Oh-oh, how does it feel How does it feel

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