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R&B The Collection Summer 2011
03:08Universal Music Group International

Lyrics of Higher

Now I know how to get down on the floor Experience the moves you can't ignore But something 'bout this beat just got me hooked Come over here and take a closer look 'Cause I can't get enough, I can't get enough I can't stay on the ground (whoa) I can't get enough, I can't get enough This is taking me now It's taking me higher, higher Higher off the ground It's taking me higher, higher Higher off the ground I do this just for kicks, Just for the thrill, I got this high, without taking a pill This groove has got me way over the sun I'm dancing like I am the only one 'Cause I can't get enough, I can't get enough I can't stay on the ground (whoa) I can't get enough, I can't get enough This is taking me now It's taking me higher, higher Higher off the ground It's taking me higher, higher Higher off the ground The music's got me going higher I feel like I can touch the sky It's taking me higher, higher Higher off the ground It's taking me higher, higher Higher off the ground It's taking me higher, higher Higher off the ground It's taking me higher, higher Higher off the ground

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