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Gyal You A Party Animal Think Tonk Remix

Gyal You A Party Animal Think Tonk Remix

Gyal You A Party Animal The Club Remixes
03:55Aftercluv Dancelab

Lyrics of Gyal You A Party Animal Think Tonk Remix

My girl come flip it like a Flipagram Flip it like a Flipagram Make ya bumpa flip like a Flipagram Flip it like a Flipagram Flip it like a Flipagram Gyal wine up pon mi body gyal Wine like its a carnival Gyal me love the way how you wine for me Gyal your wine is so emotional So wine up pon mi body gyal Me want you come wine your waistline for me Baby you bubblin', you bubblin', you bubblin' baby, Gyal you a party animal Gyal you active no you no lazy Gyal you a party animal To how you wine you drive me crazy Gyal you a party animal You wine so good, you just so good Gyal me love how you party She took one shot, two shot, three shot, four After 9 minutes she come back for more She take of her shoes and pon di dancefloor And she start to broke out broke out like a sore Then she approach me just like a cure Me know that she like me tonight me a score She sexy, she beautiful and she pure Gyal a you me adore Gyal wine up pon mi body gyal Wine just a carnival Gyal me love the way how you wine for me Gyal your wine is so emotional So wine up pon mi body gyal Me want you come wine your waistline for me Baby you bubblin', you bubblin', you bubblin' baby, Gyal you a party animal To how you wine you drive me crazy Gyal you a party animal Gyal you active no you no lazy Gyal you a party animal You dance so good, you just so good Gyal me love how you party Gyal ya ting bubbly, bubbly, bubbly Mi na know where ya from but ya ting bubbly God a send ya fa meet me tonight Mi a follow you morning all day No worry 'bout your friends they are with my friends After the club a party pon mi ends So gyal just flip it like a Flipagram, flip it like a Flipagram Right this moment Wine up pon mi body gyal Wine just like a carnival Gyal me love the way how you wine for me Gyal your wine is so emotional So wine up pon mi body gyal Me want you come wine your waistline for me Baby you bubblin', you bubblin, you bubblin baby, Gyal you a party animal Gyal you active no you no lazy Gyal you a party animal To how you wine you drive me crazy Gyal you a party animal You just so good, you wine so good Gyal me love how you Wine up pon me body gyal Wine just like a carnival Gyal me love the way that you wine for me Emotional Body gyal Mi want you come wine your waistline for me Bubblin', you bubblin', you bubblin' baby, Gyal you a party animal Gyal you a party animal Gyal you a party animal

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