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Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha - The YoYo Remake

Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha - The YoYo Remake

Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha - The YoYo Remake

Lyrics of Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha - The YoYo Remake

Ho Lakk Tera Patla Just Move It Round And Round Main Tere Utton Waara Dollar Euro Pound Mannle Tu Ae Giddeya Di Shauqeen Manneya Giddeya Di Shauqeen Tell Me Tell Me Why Don'T You Come And Dance With Me? O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha (Oh Ho) O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha (Aaye Haaye) Rabba Lag Na Kisey Nu Jaave O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha (Oh Ho) O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha (Aaye Haaye) Rabba Lag Na Kisey Nu Jaave O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha, Chak De! Yo! Yo! Honey Singh! Phone Utte Jehda Wallpaper Lageyae Ohde Utte Photo Baby Teri Chitte Motiyan Da Haar Leke De Daan Teinu Dass Ta Sahi Kaahdi Deri Aa Tikhe Tikhe Tere Nain Naksh Gallan Hundiyan Ne Teri Pajebaan Di Mainu Kar Gayi Bankrupt Haalat Maadi Ho Gyi Jebaan Di Why Don'T You Come And Dance With Me O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha (Oh Ho) O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha (Aaye Haaye) Rabba Lag Na Kisey Nu Jaave O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha (Oh Ho) O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha (Aaye Haaye) Rabba Lag Na Kisey Nu Jaave O Gud Nalo Ishq Mitha, Chak De! Hoye Hoye... Yo Yo Honey Singh! Ho Meri Ik Gal Mann Lae! Hun Addiyan Nu Chak Tu Rakhi Na Wapas Thalle Ho Meri Ik Gal Mann Lae! Billboard Te Gaane Tere Yaar Di Balle Balle Ho Meri Ik Gal Mann Lae! Lagdi Sohni Tu Paa Ke Suit Patiala Ho Meri Ik Gal Mann Lae! Tere Jatt Nu Jachda Designer Kurta Kaala Nazrein Hain Teekhi Kamariya Hai Freaky Tere Jaisi Hoor Na Dekhi Kahin Bhi Tere Aage Kim Bhi Feeki Kylie Bhi Pheeki Aisi Hi Hoti Ladkiyan Delhi Ki Bina Lagaye Makeup Tere Aage Makeup Wali Ladkiyan Fail Suna Break-Dance Aur Break-Up Tere Baayein Haath Ka Khel Why Don'T You Come And Dance With Me? O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha (Oh Ho) O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha (Aaye Haaye) Rabba Lag Na Kisey Nu Jaave O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha (Oh Ho) O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha (Aaye Haaye) Rabba Lag Na Kisey Nu Jaave O Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha, Chak De! Hoye Hoye... Yo Yo Honey Singh! Yo Yo Honey Singh!

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