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Bombs Away Deluxe
03:38Decca (UMO)

Lyrics of Geronimo

Can you feel it? Now it's coming back we can steal it If we bridge this gap, I can see you Through the curtains of the waterfall When I lost it, Yeah you held my hand, But I tossed it, Didn't understand, You were waiting, As I dove into the waterfall So say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Can you feel my love? Bombs away, Bombs away, Bombs away Can you feel (my love, my love, my love, my love, my love) my love? Bombs away, Bombs away, Bombs away, Say Geronimo! Well we rushed it, Moving away too fast That we crushed it, But it's in the past We can make this leap, Through the curtains of the waterfall So say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Can you feel (my love, my love, my love, my love, my love) my love? Bombs away, Bombs away, Bombs away, Can you feel (my love, my love, my love, my love, my love) my love? Bombs away, Bombs away, Bombs away Well I'm just a boy, With a broken toy, All lost and coy, (At the curtains of the waterfall) So it's here I stand, As a broken man, But I've found my friend, At the curtains of the waterfall Now I'm falling down, Through the crashing sound And you've come around, At the curtains of the waterfall And you rushed to me, And it sets us free So I fall to my knees, (At the curtains of the waterfall) So say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Bombs away, Bombs away, Bombs away (Say Geronimo!) Say Geronimo! Make this leap Make this leap Make this leap Make this leap Can you feel my love?

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