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Wynk Music
Forever Young

Forever Young

80s Smash Hits

Lyrics of Forever Young

Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst Are you gonna drop the bomb or not? Let us die young or let us live forever We don't have the power, but we never say never Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip The music's for the sad man Can you imagine when this race is won? Turn our golden the faces into the sun Praising our leaders, we're getting in tune The music's played by the, the madman Forever young I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever? Forever, and ever Forever young I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever? Forever young Some are like water, some are like the heat Some are a melody and some are the beat Sooner or later they all will be gone Why don't they stay young? It's so hard to get old without a cause I don't want to perish like a fading horse Youth's like diamonds in the sun, And diamonds are forever So many adventures given up today So many songs we forgot to play So many dreams swinging out of the blue Oh let it come true Forever young I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever Forever, and ever? Forever young I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever Forever, and ever? Forever young I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever Forever young

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